
Senior Project - Demystifying LL-HLS

I am currently working on the analysis of Apple's low latency live streaming specification: Namely, LL-HLS. Project aims to evaluate this recent solution in terms of efficiency, bandwidth consumption and latency in comparison to other solutions in this area like dash.js and hls.js

OBSS Internship Project

Developed a company job application system website from scratch in a full-stack manner, for my internship. Used Hibernate and Spring with a MySQL database on backend, used Vue.js on the frontend. My project is evaluated by engineers in company and elected as 3rd best project among 18 intern’s projects. Repository name is obss-jobs on my Github.

Ozu Course Rating

Led a team of 5 developers to build a website that allows the students of Ozyegin University to evaluate the courses they have taken and see the others’ comments. Used Vue.js for the Front-End along with Bootstrap. I got more comfortable with Vue in this project. Also learned about Firebase Cloud technologies and how to fetch and put data to cloud with JS.

D8 Games Web

Developed a game development startup's website in a team of 3 developers. Used Vue.js for the front-end, Hibernate and Spring for the back-end of the project along with a MySQL database. This was my first real web project in the summer after Sophomore year. Learned about the modern web architecture, what backend and frontend is and how to connect them. Also got familiar with the Hibernate and Spring boot.

Image credits: ESO/VISTA/J. Emerson. Acknowledgment: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit